Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Doctors Doctors Doctors

Seems like this month is full of doctor visits with all the specialists. Ian went to hand surgeon, Elise will be visiting the prosthetic clinic, Shelby has a full day at the Cleft clinic next week too.

Today it was just me and my Shelby baby hanging out at the allergist to try and figure out why she has been breaking out in mild hives every single day for the past 30 days. Diagnosis: Chronic Hives not caused by anything external or environmentally. She apparently has something off kilter internally. So no real "cure" but lots of Zyrtec and Benadryl...sigh

On the upside, we got to spend some one on one time and shared a lunch together. Just the two of us, special lunch date with my special girl :)

1 comment:

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Thankful you have a diagnosis!!! Bless her sweet heart!!! XOXO